1/3 Malibu
1/3 Peach Schnapps
Splash of Cranberry
Splash of Pineapple
Mix all together, serve in a highball glass over ice, and revel in the joy that is my absolutely lovely life.
A short recap from my lovely 3-day weekend:
I test drove a Mini today. It looks similar to this one right here:
Um...just one word: obsessed.
I've been missing my 2003 Silver Beetle, more fondly known as L.C. (Little Car) as she's in the shop getting fixed. (Read: Kristen dropped her glasses in the car, bent down for 2.5 seconds to pick them up, and crashed into the car ahead of her). To fill the temporary void in my soul for a small little car (as my Chevy Cobalt rental car is a BOAT), I decided to go test drive what is sure to be my next bundle of joy. The Mini did not disappoint. More to come as progression in the "new car saga" continues...
The lovely string of events that tied my Labor day weekend together: Saturday morning consisted of Paddle Boarding in Malibu with Laura, followed by the International Street Fair in Orange in the afternoon with Melly & Laura. Along with the BBQ corn on the cob, fish taco, chow mein & lobster balls, I was delighted to partake in the food of my people *aka Aebleskivers*...

...and enjoy more beer than my liver knew what to do with. ;)
Sunday morning I met with a potential wedding client (WHOM I BOOKED!) and vividly remembered the reason that I want to plan other people's weddings for a living. In turn, this inspired my working on placecards, programs, and other paper paraphernalia for a new ETSY.com store I'm opening. These are the names of the moment for aforementioned shop:
Two Turtle Doves
Grow Old with Me
Paper Paraphernalia for Pairs
We shall see what sticks in a few days when I actually open said store.
The lovely Mr. Albert Meijer helped complete my glorious weekend with a dinner date to Budda's Belly (where I partook in my first ever Sake bombs), followed by a ridiculous midnight jaunt to the movies to see *what is sure to become a cult classic*, Machete.
That Albert guy? He makes me smile a little bit.
With loveliness and allegro,
Aebleskivers are kind of amazing. Hope you're doing well, Kristen!