1 oz Vodka
1 oz Light Rum
1 oz Gin
Fill with Lemonade and Ice
Add 2 Tablespoons of Sugar
1 Splash of Sprite
Layer and Stir, Garnish with Lemon. Cry all the way home because the days of laying by the pool and being drunk around the clock are over (for the time being...).
It had been a while since I had been to Vegas, and a trip was QUITE necessary. What I love about not only being a girl in Vegas, but being a girl with three of your most attractive girlfriends is the fact that men just fall at your feet. I mean, for starters you are wearing practically nothing and men just eat that up. The fact that there is a lack of clothing is an excuse for drunken boys to make lewd comments and make complete asses out of themselves.
See picture below for example of ridiculously short dresses/shirts. A shirt can count as a dress...right?

Then you throw in the fact that there are four of you, who are all completely different in both looks and size, and you have a winning combo. Let me tell you! Laura is short and has red hair, Cam is medium with dark blonde hair, Melly is medium with dark brown hair, and then of course there's me. The ridiculously tall platinum blonde one.
Together we are somewhat of an eclectic (shall we say?) group. Basically....we are hot. :) But I digress.
I think this
So after a wonderful two days of gambling, drinking heavily and developing skin cancer, we drove home and back to reality...
Sad really. Considering that Vegas is practically giving their rooms away to even turn some sort of a profit right now, I believe there shall be another trip to sin city sooner rather than later. :)
After leaving Vegas, I journeyed home, packed another bag, and drove straight to the parentals. It was only 11:20 at night and the drive was only going to take me an hour. I figured better then than at 8am the next morning.
The next morning? Flying.
See? Said pictures from amazing flying experience.
My friend Chris is learning to fly and needs to rake up some hours. Insert me, totally reaping the benefits of having a friend who is a pilot. We flew to Catalina for lunch.
Then we flew back. It was fantastic. I even got to fly and experience some zeroG's. (Is that what its called when you lose your stomach like on a roller coaster?) And I did lose my stomach. Only once. Thank GOD it was before lunch, but you all know me and how much my tummy disagrees with whatever I do most of the time. It was two seconds of discomfort and then an up-chuck free plane ride the rest of the way there. yay!
Finally, to finish off my work free week I helped my mommy in her classroom so she could get ready for Open House. It went swimmingly and I was glad I could be there and be a part of it all. I don't know how she would have gotten everything done at a reasonable hour without me there. Thank goodness for having the week off.
You wanna know the best part of my whole vacation?
Perfect...I shall tell you.
I took paid time off for the whole thing, so I still get a paycheck like I had worked the whole week! Isn't that lovely!?
I believe it is.
Now, off to Mike's for some bowling, dinner, and date number three! Weeeeee! (Rhyming much?)